Friday, January 18, 2008


There hasn't been anything particularly grueling or difficult about this week, but I am glad it is almost over. I think class and working picking up just got the best of me. this week. I was in bed by 8:30 PM last night.

Despite a busy week, I have kept up with my eating and gym routine! Yeah! Go me! When I was on the treadclimber yesterday, I couldn't stop staring at my reflection in the mirror. My arms and legs are really starting to look lean. My clothes are starting to fit better (a lot better!). Making healthy choices is starting to get easier and easier.

I have been updating my resume in preparation for my upcoming job search. I have also been looking at job postings as well. There are so many out there. My major concern is that I am not actually in Seattle right now. Today I signed up for a professional development class in grant writing that I am super excited about. I am not excited about the fee for it, but I don't have to take a vacation day to attend!

My CSA was full of yummy greens this week. I have been eating amazing salads the past 2 days. I love trying new combinations. I have really enjoyed crasains-black beans-apples-balsamic mix I created.

Have a wonderful weekend!


Krissie said...

That salad sounds really good. I don't know that I would have ever tried black beans ans crasins...but I will now!

Shayna said...

the one thing i would suggest is using a seattle address (a relative, etc) on your resume because you may get disregarded if companies feel you'd be looking for a relocation package, which they may not want to pay...

EVA said...

Isn't it nice when the mirrors at the gym start to become a GOOD thing?! Way to go. This is my first time visiting your blog...I'm going to check out your older posts.

Anonymous said...

It is great that you are eating healthy and having an active lifestyle.

I love salads and I am always on the look out for new recipes to try.

Good luck with your job search