So I have never been one to make resolutions, but I think this year I am going to write down a few of my goals.
1. Run the Country Music Half Marathon on April 24. I registered last week. I will start training on Monday. I need to finalize my training schedule tomorrow.
2. Attempt to run a 5k race a month. I know the month of November will probably be difficult, but I can aim for at least one a month for all of the other months.
3. Create a budget and actually stick with it. And track all expenses. This will be a tad tricky, but I have already created the budget and started tracking.
4. Be a nicer person.
5. Love myself more. I can be hard on myself. There is no need for it.
6. Continue with my yoga practice. I want to be able to do the crow by the end of the year.
7. Read more. I am in a book club now, so hopefully this will help.
There you have it. My goals. Nothing too crazy. Bring it 2010!