Saturday, September 15, 2007

Once a procrastinator, always a procrastinator...

So every semester I tell myself I am not going to wait until the last minute to complete assignments. And every semester I wait until the last minute to complete the assignments. This semester is no different. However I have realized I need to get my act together on Saturday instead of say late Sunday night this semester. I have a rough draft of a business plan due Tuesday night. I have spent a good portion of the afternoon doing research, but no writing. Ugh. I can't believe I do this to myself every single time.

Like I said before, I think this is one of my favorite posters. So here it is:


On that note, it is one of my goals to tag my picture in flickr a lot better, i.e. accurately.

I have been feeling a bit under the weather. I have got some sort of head cold/sinus thing going on. I went to the gym for 1 hour and 40 minutes yesterday and just did cardio. Today I did 15 minutes of weights and about 30 minutes of cardio. Eating, is ok today. Just some soup. I am off to dinner with Zach!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

I need your help!

I need to gather some survey results and I need you, yes You to help me out. Even if you don't comment on my blog, if this is your first time here, or if you read all the time, help a girl out! This is for one of my classes and your help is greatly appreciated!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!