Here's the question: what do you change? Whom do you call that you haven't spoken to in years? Whom do you realize has been toxic to your heart and drop with surprising ease? What trips do you cancel, and what trips do you book? What can't you be bothered with anymore? What's the new you like? Think about that, and then ask one more question. Why not just change it all right now?-- John Mayer
We Are Nashville has become a rally cry across Middle Tennessee over the past few days. And tonight? With the help of Anderson Cooper, it went global. My friend Sam Davidson of Cool People Care started selling a T-shirt early today to benefit flood relief. He was able to secure a donation that will allow 100% of the proceeds to benefit Flood Relief in Middle Tennessee. And Anderson Cooper plugged it on his show tonight. Purchase a shirt and all $20 will go to benefit flood relief. I got mine as soon as they went on sale.
I don't really think I can articulate everything that has happened over the past few days. It's almost incomprehensible here folks. Incomprehensible to think this happened to Little 'ole Nashville. If it can happen here, it can happen anywhere. I love my community and I am bursting with pride to see how the recovery efforts have already started. I love how the people of Nashville are coming together to help one another. I have 3 days I can take off work PAID to VOLUNTEER and you better believe I will be taking them to lend a hand.
Do you want to help? Please spread the word, in case folks don't grasp the severity of what's going on. Temporary shelters are at capacity, missing people are unaccounted for, many homes are under water, we're in a water conservation emergency, much of Nashville's economic base is threatened by flood damage, etc, etc. We're going to need help Text 'REDCROSS' to 90999 to donate $10 to disaster relief. If you can't donate monetarily, please send your thoughts and prayers.
Thank you to those who have already donated.
In case you haven't seen any pictures. I leave you with some images that say more than I could ever write, as well as some other stories and videos.
Well, it was raining and pouring here in Nashville. But it has stopped for the time being. The past two days have been interesting to stay the least. Yesterday morning I woke up around 7 AM to thunder and lightning and quickly decided I would not be attending my 8:30 AM yoga class. I slept in and then finally got up and going and ventured to Target in the pouring rain to buy a wedding gift. I passed some high water in the street, but it was still passable.
I went to the wedding reception and then headed to Jimmy Buffet Downtown in the evening. Major highways in and out of town were closed at this point, but the rain let up for a bit. At the show Jimmy Buffet even made light of the rain. As we left the concert it was raining, but not too heavily. We went to a 24 hour diner after the show that was recently filmed for an Episode of Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives and had a late night snack. I went to bed around 1:30 AM. I woke up early around 7 or so to more rain, but went back to bed. Around 10 AM I head pounding on doors and yelling. I looked outside and my entire front yard was flooded. I went downstairs and there was at least an inch of standing water everywhere. Our power was quickly turned off and we grabbed clothes and headed to a friend's house.
I am home now safe and clean up has begun. Just water and dirt. Nowhere near as bad as it is in other parts of Nashville and Middle TN.
Please keep TN in your thoughts and prayers, we need it. The aftermath of this storm is going to last a while.