This past Sunday I ran my 10th (TEN!) half marathon. 3 years ago I was in the thick of training for my first and really had no idea what to expect. Now, that I have a few under my belt my training is no longer as strict as it once was. I skip runs. I skip other workouts. I eat whatever I want. The half marathon doesn't scare me anymore, or at least not as much as it once did. Don't worry, the thought of running a full marathon still scares me.
I started training for the Seaside Half marathon in December or so with the best of intentions. I had a training plan. I was going to start speed workouts again. I was still decently conditioned from the Marine Corps Marathon. I was going to PR a flat half marathon in Seaside. And then Christmas happened. And I didn't eat too much crap, but those homemade sugar cookies I ate were worth every bite. Then New Years Eve happened. And then my Grand Canyon trip happened. They told us the bottom of the Grand Canyon was not a place to be on a diet. And I listened! I ate whatever I wanted. This also included the most money I have personally ever spent on a meal at Wendy's $12+ dollars. Can you say biggie size? And the price of food near the Grand Canyon is just ridiculous. Also Valentine's Day candy and Girl Scout Cookies happened. And Easter candy was out early.
Do you see a pattern?
There was always something. I haven't used much restraint in my food choices at all the past 3 months. My waist line, my legs, and my arms show it.
I got the stomach bug a few weeks ago and my clothes were fitting so much better after. And then I started eating chocolate again. Oh, and I made some homemade banana bread muffins because muffins are easier for portion control right? Not so much if you eat 3+ in one sitting.
Folks, it was/is getting bad.
And then I had the Seaside Half Marathon. The half marathon that I sort of really didn't train too hard for. The half marathon I had really wanted to get me to the finish under 1:50.
It happened this past Sunday, I beat my previous personal record for a half marathon. And while it wasn't Wednesday, I realized at the half way point on Sunday, it was business time and I might actually be able to PR this thing. But, there was a slight problem. I hadn't spent the night before looking up possible times/outcomes on race calculators. I didn't even really know what my PR was. I honestly was just planning to go out and run and attempt to finish under two hours.
At the half way point I realized if I kept up my pace and increased it just a little, I might be able to PR and that's what I did. By about a minute from my fastest time in 2011 to finish at 1:52:20.
I should feel happy and over the moon that I set a personal record. Yes, I am happy. But I also feel like I cheated a lit bit. It isn't supposed to happen this way. This sort of thing should happen when I am at my lowest weight and when I have trained my heart out.
I wish I knew the scientific reason for why I raced my fastest half marathon on Sunday. But I probably never will. Maybe it was the cool temps? Maybe the smaller race? For now, I am going to have an amazing time skiing in Vail enjoying myself with good friends. Hopefully I will be able to figure something out regarding my food intake when I get back and no longer feel controlled by what I eat and drink, but actually be in control.