Sunday, November 17, 2013

Dear 18 Year Old Self

Emmie over at Authentically Emmie posted this weekend about things you might tell your 18 year old self.

Last year, right around the time I was turning 30, I started a list of things I would have told my younger self. I just spent a half hearted 10 minutes looking for my list because I never actually wrote the post. I didn't find my list, but there are definitely a few things I can think of. Hopefully I will eventually find the list and be able to compare.

Dear 18 year old Sarah-

You are going to have some pretty amazing stories and do some pretty awesome thing! Once you leave West Virginia your life will never be the same.

Your weight does not define you, but you will lose it. And when you do lose the weight, revel in your accomplishment. Start going to yoga ASAP, your body and your mind will thank you. Go ahead and get that laser hair removal sooner rather than later. Pay good money for a haircut. It's worth it.

Friendships are like seasons and they change. However, adult seasons last much longer. As an adult you don't have to be friends with someone "just because." Find the friends who you love like family and want to be around because they challenge and support you. Learn how to be a good friend. Learn how to love and be loved. You are capable of being loved. Your heart will get broken and life will go on.

You only have one family. Talk to them. Laugh with them. Cry with them.

College is a time to grow and discover what you are truly passionate about. Don't worry so much about tests, projects, and papers. Go to those parties. Go on that trip. Enjoy the freedom that comes with a college schedule.

Things won't always go as your imagined in your career and your personal life. Be able to reflect and learn and think about things you could have done differently or not at all.

You will run a marathon. Not just run one marathon, but two marathons. You will set scary goals and you can accomplish them.

You will be happy.


( I took quite the hiatus, but I figure I better get ready. It's almost ADVENT CALENDAR time!)