Ok, so I finished finals with a bang (I got a 4.0! this semester). My goal was to work and go to the gym last week while I stayed in Nashville. Instead of going to the gym I worked a lot. I mean a lot. So I only worked out on Tuesday of last week and I ate crap! I weighed 233 last Tuesday. This week I weighed 238. When I got back home I was afraid to call my trainer because I knew how badly I had been doing. Good thing he is awesome and he called me Monday night to see if I was back in town. I maid an appointment to work out with him yesterday. I was honest with him and told him I had not worked out in a week and I had been eating crap. He started to me out slow, but realized that even though I hadn't worked out in a week, I had lost any of my ability. That was comforting, but I know that is way to long to go without working out. So yesterday I started to get my stuff together. I worked out with the trainer for an hour and then did an hour of cardio. Today I did 30 minutes of weights and 30 minutes of cardio. I have also been eating lots of vegetables. I just need to watch out for the Christmas candy, cookies, pies, etc.
I would love to be in the 220's by New Years Day, but that might be a pretty lofty goal.