Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The Numbers Game

I am trying to ween myself off of obsessing over numbers. For me the numbers include calories, points, weight, exercise minutes, sizes, etc. I think you get the point. This is a VERY slow process.

In the past I have felt that I am not getting a good work out if I don't work out for at least 60 minutes. I guess my schedule just allowed for me to spend endless time at the gym. Now, not so much. So, for the past 3 days I have been working out at lunch doing only weight and stretching. And I have been doing this for less than an hour (huge step for me). Previously, if I couldn't work out for at least an hour, it just wasn't worth it. Also, I have been listening to my body. If I am tired I stop, even if I have only been in the gym for 40 minutes. I have been able to walk around the lake the past 2 days and get some cardio in. I have yet to decide if I am going to walk tonight.

So when you all exercise what do you normally do and for how long? How do you decide when you have worked out enough?

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

I am Leaving on a Jet Plane

Well not for 4 weeks or so. But May 17-20 I will be in Minneapolis with my Mom. The flights and hotel are finally booked :)

SO Esther, Shayna, and Amanda we need to make some plans!

I am excited!

What A Difference A Day Can Make!

While yesterday was by no means perfect, it was the best healthy day I had in a while. The only setback was the chocolate I consumed in large quantities last night. Have no fear, I feel like it was ok to eat it given the amount of exercise and previous food choices I made.

Yesterday marked the first day of really only doing weights at lunch and it was awesome. I did my weights and stretched. I realized how much I miss stretching on a regular basis. After worked I hiked at the lake for well over an hour. I came home and made some lunches for the week (chicken salad with a light balsamic dressing, cucumbers, black beans, and crasains over an orzo pasta). I packed up my stuff to go house/dog sit with every intention of working on my paper while I was there. Oh and I stopped by the drugstore for a diet coke and said chocolate. I didn't work on the paper, but I did read and go to bed early.

Today I brought my gym clothes to work and plan on working out during lunch and going on a nice walk outside after work.

Oh and I feel so much better about myself today :)

Monday, April 21, 2008

Weekly Weigh

201. Woah! That is the first time I have seen a number above 200 since late December. It's time to re-evaluate what I have been eating and how I have been exercising. While the number on the scale freaks me out just a little bit, I do realize that I am in the middle of an experiment. Maybe experiment isn't the best word, but I am trying to figure out how I can live without counting points and exercising for hours a day. Also, what I ate last night and the lack of water intake could have something to do with it. I'll just see what I weigh tomorrow.

Let's see some things that could possible change in the upcoming week: not eating 2-3 full size bags of cadbury mini eggs I think would be a good place to start. I really didn't need them and I wasn't really craving them, yet I still ate them.

I paid for 4 meals out and pretty much splurged at every one of them, yet only 1 was really worth the splurge (Friday night dinner/drinks) at the bar. So, this week I would like to limit my eating out. I also ate 2 free lunches and 1 dinner through work and way too much crew catering.

Exercise. As far as exercise goes, I exercised 6 times last week. Now 3 of those times were low intensity walking for at least an hour, but in my opinion some exercise is better than no exercise. My goal for this week is to work out during my lunch break. This will accomplish 2 things: make sure I get my weight training in and make it impossible to eat lunch out. Also, I would like to get my cardio in by walking outside instead of at the gym since it will be so nice this week.

Oh and I should probably try to drink some more water while I am at it.

Happy Monday!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Has Anyone Ever Told You

Random crew worker on Friday: "Has anyone ever told you you look like you could bite someone's head off?"

Me: "Umm, actually you are the first."

The guy goes on to tell me I have walked by them a couple of times and every time I just seem so intense. He even goes on to say that he thought to him self I was someone he would not want to run into in a dark alley. Ummmmmmk. I know I am pretty serious and to the point at work, but who seriously says these kinds of things to someone. I don't smile at everyone anymore because in the past it has gotten me an uncomfortable situations with guys. I have also been told I am like Donna from the 70's show, but some people I encounter at work. So why don't you just come out and say it. "You seem like a bitch." Please note that these people are people I have very little interaction with. They do not work with me on a daily basis and don't know the "real" me.

Seriously does this look like the face of a girl who would bite someone's head off?

I had such a good time on Friday night. I left work early and got my hair cut. I came home for a nap and than got ready. I dressed up and wore a dress with my favorite almost knee high boots. I met my friends up for drinks early and then we had a reservation for dinner. Of course this was all at my favorite bar. My friend leans over to me at one point after I had just signed the giant balloon penis from some girls bachelorette party and tells me "Butterfly Boucher is sitting over there with some friends." I LOVE Butterfly Boucher. The ex introduced me to her music and besides that, there really isn't any connection to her and him for me. I should also note that earlier in the evening my friend Iggy was talking about her I believe in reference to my muxtape which she is on (

So my friends and I continued to drink and didn't leave the bar until 12:30 or so. Also, the ex texted me and we texted throughout the night uggggggh. Oh well.

Here is one of my favorite pictures of the 3 haters:

Yesterday I took my litter sister to the Earth Day Celebration at the park and out to lunch. We went to the burger place I went to on Tuesday of this week. I decided I really don't like the place and it is a bit pricey for a so-so hamburger.

Today I have already been to the gym for just over 2 hours and I am headed to the library in a hour to work on my paper.

I will weigh tomorrow, but right now I am trying to figure out how my body handles going to the gym, but not counting/monitoring points (essentially eating what I want and trying to eat it in moderation and not feel guilt for choosing to eat it).