I rang in 2012 in The Hague, Netherlands with my brother, my friends Esther and Lauren, and a few new friends. It was a great way to start the year. Considering I almost threw up after an attempt at eating herring and onions in typical Dutch fashion, the year can only get better!

Half marathon training is in full swing and I am leading a 1:59:59 pace group for East Nasty. I am also trying to find another half to run before Country Music. Probably Tom King an/or Run the Bluegrass.
2012 is the year I turn 30. Um, holy shit. Where have the years gone? I thought about making one of those 30 for 30 lists, but I am horrible at stuff like that. If I want something I usually go do it or go buy it. However, the things that would be on my list would be things like go to Hawaii, go to New Zealand, climb Mt. Kilimanjaro, etc.. And those are things I can't all do in a year...unless I win the lottery or marry rich. And considering I haven't bought a lotto ticket in years and am not currently dating anyone, the odds are not in my favor.
So instead, I have been focusing on a few goals.
1. Read more (this always seems to be a goal).
2. Get together some sort of budget (again, this is usually always a goal). But I am actually doing ok with this one and I am using January as a baseline for the rest of the year.
3. Bring my lunch to work more.
4. Limit my Diet Coke intake. Friends this is huge. I have had about one Diet Coke a week since getting back from Europe. I was on a couple of bottles a day habit before I left.
For the most part things are going well and I really hope the first three week of 2012 have been good to you too!