Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Somewhat Made Up

So last week I posted a picture with no make up and it got me thinking about my appearance. Now, I am not going to start wearing make everyday. But I did wear it on Friday and Saturday when I went out with friends.

Like I said before I usually just wear I make. I am also wearing bronzer and lip gloss.


I would like to start wearing it to work a little bit more often....

And on a completely different note I am finally realizing that about 3 years ago I was at my lowest weight, about 22 lbs lighter than I am now. However, my workout and eating styles have changed for the better. While I can fit into the close from a few years ago I feel like my body looks more toned. I definitely know I am eating a greater variety of food and more fruits and veggies which is a good thing.

So what is your make up routine?