Saturday, January 02, 2010

2010 Goals

So I have never been one to make resolutions, but I think this year I am going to write down a few of my goals.

1. Run the Country Music Half Marathon on April 24. I registered last week. I will start training on Monday. I need to finalize my training schedule tomorrow.

2. Attempt to run a 5k race a month. I know the month of November will probably be difficult, but I can aim for at least one a month for all of the other months.

3. Create a budget and actually stick with it. And track all expenses. This will be a tad tricky, but I have already created the budget and started tracking.

4. Be a nicer person.

5. Love myself more. I can be hard on myself. There is no need for it.

6. Continue with my yoga practice. I want to be able to do the crow by the end of the year.

7. Read more. I am in a book club now, so hopefully this will help.

There you have it. My goals. Nothing too crazy. Bring it 2010!


*Christie* said...

I like your goals!!! Especially #5.

hootenannie said...

If you can, you should join East Nasty. They run together Wednesday nights and Sunday mornings, and are the BEST group of people I met in Nashville. They train for the 1/2 marathon together (which I'm coming back from Denver to run!), and are amazing.

krissie said...

I can help you! I'm assuming you'll be in WV for Thanksgiving, right? You should run the turkey trot with us! It's an hour and 22 minutes each way, but we sure are a fun bunch! And the race is early and small. I think there were like 150 runners last year.

I hope you're still planning to run in the Tomato 5K. Nathan's growing out the hair for it!

Happy New Year, my friend.

Hollie said...

What's the name of your book club? I've always wanted to join one...

Great goals, btw!