Monday, January 14, 2008

Easter Challenge!

I am down 3 lbs this week to 195! Oh yeah! And I am wearing a shirt that I don't remember wearing since my 24th birthday! I have continued to only weigh myself once a week. While I am conscious that Monday is my weigh in day, it hasn't stopped me from enjoy foods on the weekend.

Yesterday evening I ended up going to Pei Wei for dinner. (I love the place.) I came home and made some sweet potato latkes using up the sweet potatoes I had. I froze some and kept some in the fridge. I think they turned out ok for the first time.

Now, if you have read this blog for a while, you should know that I love John Mayer. I think I might have mentioned this before about Justin Timberlake's LoveStoned/I Think That She Knows Interlude and how the Interlude is the best part of the song. If I haven't, it really is. John Mayer also feels this way. He just posted this video with his interpretation. I could melt. I pray, pray, pray he does this on the cruise :)


Krissie said...

You are a machine! Keep it up girl!

I thought of you and your marathon gym sessions while my unemployed ass was at the gym this morning. I got really tired, but you kept me going!

Anonymous said...

pssst.... i liked that lil' interpretation. a lot, even.

i can't believe i just said that either.

Cat said...

That's great! I can't even imagine how I'll feel when I finally get under 200 lbs. I'm positive I'll cry!

You must be so pleased with your progress.

Carleen said...

congrats on the loss!!!

Anonymous said...

Don't you just love being able to fit back into clothing?! CONGRATS!!!!