Monday, January 07, 2008

On Plan Baby!

I totally rocked today. I am not going to lie. It had the potential to be craptastic because of the lack of sleep, but in the end it turned out great. I made it to the gym during lunch and walked on the treadmill for an hour. I stayed within my points for the day. And I have not had an evening snack which is a regular occurrence after my night classes. Usually a snack that is no where near healthy as well.

I still have the crud though.

Esther the jeans from my NYE pictures are not the GAP essential jeans, they are the GAP boot cut jeans which I love equally as well. You can get a pair when you are in the States in May. They come in long in the store and extra-long online :)

Please welcome to the weight loss blogging community my good friend Nikki at Health Mayhem. She is such a nice person whom I have know through the DMB community. We first met back in 2002 in West Palm Beach. We have stayed in touch through our blogs and get to see each other every blue moon. She was just in Nashville in November and we had dinner together. Welcome Nikki!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oooooh, i'm going to bother you again - i just visited the online store last night (not that they ship overseas, but just for some orientation) and i'm simply drooling. over the prices, too.

so anyway - are you a long or extra long? cause that should give me an idea what my inseam should be :)