Friday, September 23, 2011

Show: Brandi Carlile & Ray Lamontagne at the Grand Ole Opy House 9/21/11

I can't believe I almost didn't go to this show. But a friend had a last minute ticket for me and I already had friends going, so it worked out perfectly. I may have skipped my evening run but, it was worth it.

I don't know what it is, but I am not the biggest fan of female singers. I have seen Brandi Carlile a few few times before and enjoy a few of her songs, but that's about it. I sat with a few friends in the third row on the side for her set. Brandi Carlile got her start in Seattle, so it was fun to here her talk about all the Seattle places she played on her way up.

She closed her set with a cover of Leonard Cohen's Hallelujah.

I first saw Ray Lamontagne back in 2006 at the Ryman Auditorium when he was on tour with Guster. He had a bit of a meltdown and ended up saying a few choice words and then walking off stage. I was unlucky enough to be sitting second row for his verbal attack and it definitely left it's mark. When his show comes around, it's always one I want to see but hesitate because of the lasting affect of the first show I saw. First impressions count people! However, I keep going back. I saw him a year or so later at the War Memorial and then I missed a few and went to this show on Wednesday.

Ray back in the day at the Ryman
Ray and Guster 7.22.06 009

Despite the previous meltdown (I am going to chalk that one up to stage fright although I am sure there was a lot more going on...), I love him. He has a great voice. Trouble is one of my favorite albums and I love the song as well. His CD's are great, but there is just something about his live performance. I ended up having to leave my friends and go back to my seat. Greeting me were two of my friends who were relocated right next to me because they had a few obnoxious people behind them. What luck!

Every time he says the word saved, I got chills. LOVR!

Has an artist ever left you with a bad taste in your mouth after seeing them live? Please tell me I'm not the only one this has happened to!


The Blonde Mule said...

Re: Has an artist ever left you with a bad taste in your mouth after seeing them live?

Yes! I love Yeasayer, but when they played at the Cannery last year, I hated it. Still love their music though.

Sarah said...

Really? I enjoyed the show. I didn't think it was anything spectacular, but I didn't think it was horrible. I also may have left early though too and that usually doesn't happen...