Sunday, January 02, 2011

I am a Runner because I Run.

The thing that I am most proud of doing in 2010 was finishing a half marathon. A year ago today I wrote this post outlining my goals for 2010. Goals, because I hate the word resolution. And I actually did pretty well. The only thing that went completely by the wayside, was the whole budget thing. Not.even.close. But back to the whole running thing. I am not even sure why I decided I was going to run a half. It probably had something to do with the 3 miles I was tricked into running and 4 5ks I had run that fall. And with that post, Annie Parsons made a comment that literally changed my life. And I am not being dramatic here folks.

Annie suggested I join East Nasty to help train for my half marathon. I am sure I could have trained for the half on my own, but would I have had as much fun? Met some amazing people who I am now lucky enough to call friends? Would I have done as well as I did? Probably not. East Nasty is an amazing community of supportive individuals who enjoy life, helping others, and encouraging each other to do their best. It's pretty awesome. This year I completed not one, but two half marathons. And you know what? I actually enjoy running now.

Thank you Annie P and all my East Nasty friends. You made 2010 a great year and I am looking forward to 2011!

Annie and I after the Country Music Half...I look like I had been hit by a truck and Annie on the other hand looks amazing.


Half marathon #2!



the handygraham said...

Hey, you're part of East Nasty DNA now, Sarah Brown. You can checkout anytime you like, but you may never leave! mwa ha ha ha.

Bethan said...

I'm a runner too! (well not a very good one...)
It's really good to hear some success stories, keeps me motivated!
However I doubt I have the fitness for a half marathon, so well done!

From a fellow 20 year old trying to loose weight.