Sunday, June 14, 2009

How I Was Tricked Into Running Almost 3 Miles

Friday morning I arrived at boot camp at 5 AM. I ran a few warm up laps before class actually started. The trainer called the group over to give us our instructions. But instead of exercising stations they told us we were going to do a little more running than usual. We would be running to the Hill Center (specifically Hillsboro RD so through the entire center) and back 5 times. At the end of each lap was a nice hill, you know just for some added fun. They told us this was about 1.5 miles. I was thinking it wouldn't take me more than 15 minutes max since I just ran an 8 minute mile earlier in the week. I was pretty much in the middle of the pack the entire time 5/6 out of ten. As I was running I thought it had to be more than 1.5 miles, but I refused to stop running. I finally finished and walked inside to get a medicine ball and it was 5:35. I thought I must have been running really slow. I started talking to some of my classmates about how that mile and a half took a long time. Turns out the trainers tricked us and new we were running almost 3 miles. I can say I probably wouldn't have ran it all or had as good an attitude as I did about it. I am not the biggest fan of running, but I love that it allows me to prove to myself that I can do things.

I was off on Friday and spent part of the day at the pool and part of the day at the pool on Saturday. I made it to the gym yesterday and went on a 3 mile hike today. My eating has gotten back in check. But, I did have a dipped cone today and Friday. I really hope this dipped cone eating is a summer thing :)


Rachel said...

Hehe, what a great way to be tricked!

kaseybobasey said...

:) I LOVE dipped cones. I'm thinking I'm NOT going to deprive myself of one or two of those this summer!

anna said...

ha! its amazing how your brain tricks you into believe you can or can't do certain things. you proved to yourself that you CAN run 3 miles at an 8 min. mile speed. i dare you to do it again!