Monday, August 25, 2008

Weekend Recap

I went to the ATL this weekend. I left Nashville around 6:30 and stopped in Murfreesboro for dinner at Red Robin. Made it to ATL around 12:30 AM. My friend and I also stopped just outside of Chattanooga to go to the bathroom and to get a soda. Despite the time the Wendy's was crowded. Some backwoods church group was dining in. I know they were backwoods because I later looked up the name of the city that was on their church bus, just to figure out where they were from. They were all dressed so strangely (really conservative, like I wouldn't even know where to buy the clothes they had). I said something about how they were dressed to my friend and she pointed out that they probably were saying the same about me. I was showing my knees even though my skirt was long and I had a top on that would be a dress on most, but is too short so I wear it as a long top. It's been a while since I have seen people like that...I almost felt like I was home in WV.

Anyway, on Saturday we got up early and headed to IKEA. I stayed within my created budget (yeah!!!!) and got some really great things for the place. Once I get it all together I will take pictures. After Ikea, lunch at Chipotle. Chicken burrito salad with no rice or chips for me! Headed to Trader Joes to pick up snack items for the dinner we took to Chastain: red wine, french bread, brie, cheddar cheese, salami, almonds, crasins, rasberries, cherries, and blueberries. Yummy! I ate everything but the bread! Why you might ask? I am trying really hard to limit my flour and processed sugar intake. I know there is sugar in the crasins and other stuff I eat, but baby steps here folks and moderation.

I have been eating like that since I got back from Seattle. Last Tuesday I was at 205 and today I was at 196. I know some of that was water weight. Hello cankles from flying. They were horrible! I haven't been snacking as much either. I only went to the gym twice last week, and mainly tried to focus on my eating.

So back to the ATL, the show at Chastain was awesome. It did rain slightly, but thank goodness for rain jackets!. The next morning I slept in and finished Twilight. I have the other books ordered and can't wait to start them. Hit the road around 11:30 and stopped at Panera for lunch. Back in Nashville by about 2:30.

This week has just booked up. I have some activity every night this week. I work a half day on Friday and then it is off to ATL again to see John Mayer!

I hope everyone had a great weekend!

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