Saturday, February 27, 2010


So I was attempting to prepare a post for today detailing what the remainder of my half marathon training plan would be. But you know what? Life got in the way, and I deiced it was more important to be well rested before a long day of traveling.

So this morning I got up and went on a nice little 5.8ish mile run downtown. And then I went to yoga.

And in less than 5 hours I will be on a plane to Memphis to catch another plane that will take me to AMSTERDAM where I will spend most of the week. On Friday I will take the train to London and I will fly home on Sunday. A quick trip, but it should be a lot of fun :)

And here is my run. I love that I ran past the Hermitage Hotel, the Tennessee Performing Arts Center, Titans Stadium, the pedestrian walking bridge, the Symphony, the Country Music Hall of Fame, The Sommet Center, Down Broadway (ahhh Honky Tonks how I love you), and the Ryman. I LOVE Nashville!

Downtown Run

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