Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Low Sugar Lent

I am little embarrassed to admit this, but it has probably been at least two weeks since I have done any sort of major grocery shopping trip. Tonight after a rainy speed session, I high tailed it to Trader Joes. First, the sample was some sort of red beans and rice with spicy sausage. I ate one of the little sample cups and seriously considered going back for 1 or maybe two more. I didn't. But then an employee came around offering me a sample of a bite size chocolate chip cookie. Of course I indulged. He left. I ate the cookie and when I was finished I thought to myself that I should have grabbed two. And then he came back around again and asked if I wanted another one. "Why yes I do! Thanks!" He then told me I was tall.

I am sure you are thinking that I went to the grocery store at the worst possible time-after a workout and before dinner. While not ideal, this trip was a little different. I was shopping with intention. I was intent on finding foods with no added sugars and I actually paid attention to sodium content. I came away with a lot of yummy vegetables, some olives, canned salmon, steel cut oats, and a favorite I seemed to have forgotten-pistachios. I walked around the store reading labels and comparing. I also realized that most of those impulse items have some sort of added sugar in them.

I feel prepared to start my Low Sugar Lent tomorrow. While I am not going completely sugar free (I still plan to eat fruit and veggies with sugar), my hope is to work on reducing my overall sugar intake as it relates to the food I eat. As it relates to Diet Coke, I am not sure I can give that up just yet, but I am going to work on reducing the number that I drink.  For Low Sugar Lent, I will not add sugar to any food I prepare at home. Based on available information, I will make the best low sugar eating choice available. I can pretty much kiss dessert goodbye. I also will not purchase food with added sugars. Besides the artificial sweetener in Diet Coke, I don't use them and probably will not start using them.

I also know there will be several times while running that I will need to drink Gatorade and/or eat GU.

So all of the stuff that has sugar in it that is currently in my cupboards or fridge? It will probably still be there when I get done with Low Sugar Lent. Items with sugar in them seem to have a long shelf life.


krissie said...

Girl, you are braver than I am. Good luck!

I'm excited that I'll get to break bread with you the weekend of the race! Which I'll probably be walking most of, but that's okay. I'm still all in.

See you soon! Happy Lent!

Quick Weight Loss said...

Thanks for all the valuable tips in this post, specially liked the text about reduce calorie intake. keep up yhe good work you are helping many people!

how to lose 10 pounds in a week said...

Good luck